I started doing research during my Ph.D., although I had worked on a number of projects prior to that while doing my undergraduate studies. For my Ph.D., I worked on project management and the visualization of portfolios of projects. After two decades of working on my Ph.D., I published a book on everything I discovered on project management. I titled my methodology “Probabilistic Critical Path Method” and I got published a book on that at www.amazon.com in Spanish titled “Método Probabilístico de la Ruta Crítica para Proyectos“, as well as a book in English titled “Comprehensive Project Risk Management: The Probabilistic Critical Path Method (PCPM)“. I already finished working on the corresponding software, called Schedule, which is available on my website now.

After the Ph.D., I did some work on asset valuation in portfolios and project visualization. That research was completed by creating the Portfolio Selection Solver software. I also drifted a little doing research on philosophical issues regarding God and existence, as well as economics. I recently published a paper on a new point of view that I believe is pertinent in this century in which machines are threatening to do our jobs entitled “Neolaborism”. The paper considers the economy being valued not as a function of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which could be stated as the sum of the prices of all goods and services in an economy, but on the other side of the coin, the value of all salaries/profits/dividends paid and received in an economy. I believe the latter is a better way to value an economy.

I also have a very speculative paper titled “On Opening the Gate to the Stars and Superintelligence”, which considers the possibility of interstellar travelling in a huge exploration and colonization effort, which should considerably change and enhance the future of humanity and provide a way out of the blind consumerism corporations are leading humanity towards. The continuation of that work is a paper (also very hypothetical) titled “On opening the gate to the stars and the Drake equation”.

My research interests include Operation Research (with Project Management as a key topic as well as the intersection between Management Science and Information Systems), Computer Science (with Artificial Intelligence as a major topic), Economics, Finace and Space Exploration and Colonization. I have also done some work on Psychology while helping my wife with the mathematical and statistical parts of her Ph.D. and some of her research (the Structural Equation Modeling in particular).

I have conducted collaborative research with my wife, Dr. Gloria Velia Reyna Barajas (www.gloriavelia.net), both as part of the activities of the LIAHM Laboratory and as other kinds of research. In particular, I helped Gloria Velia with the Statistics and the Structural Equation Modelling required for her thesis work and she has helped me with ideas related to language, thinking and reasoning for my own research. The culmination of her thesis was the presentation of its results at the International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) held in Paris, France, in March 7-9, 2019. At the top of this page is a video in which I explain the most relevant aspects of such research.

Currently, I am shifting my research interests towards the area of Games & Theory. I have always loved to play chess. I have developed a chess applicattion called Chess 2024 based on previous work by Daniel Terhell, which you can download by clicking here (that is the installation program including source code developed using Delphi 7, user manual, examples and puzzles, among other features). I have also written a computer program to play BackJack ’84 (a game of chance) and I am working on another program for a game called “Naval Fleet”, which simulates war on the ocean. Working in the area of Games & Theory means learning about Artificial Intelligence, Natural Intelligence and Military Intelligence.

If you want to install the Blackjack ’84 application (setup program) you can click here. For downloading a PDF file with the user manual for Blackjack ’84 you can click here. You can download the source code for Blackjack ’84 (developed using Delphi 7) by clicking here.

Following is a list of my most recent papers:

  • Copertari, Luis. (2011). “Selecting projects in a portfolio using risk and ranking”, Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management, 2(1), 10-28. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis. (2012). “Visualising Project Management Dimensions”, Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management, 3(1), 1-9. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2014). “Individual and Multiagent Four – Dimensional Assets Portfolio Selection”, Strategic Management Quarterly, 2(3&4), 23-45. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2014). “S-Dimensional Assets Portfolio Evaluation”, International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 1(9), 264-271. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2015). “Estimating the Upper Value of an Assets Portfolio”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 6(4), 1-6. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2015). “On the Implications of the Nature of the Universe”, International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, 3(1), 85-88. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2016). “Cases Using the Linear Programming Methodology”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management, 3(8), 128-135. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2016). “Economy Sectors Participation Index”, International Review of Social Sciences, 4(2), 38-43. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2016). “Emerging Markets and the Pacific Alliance”, Open Access Library Journal, 3: e2919. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1102919. (Download PDF).
  • Reyna Barajas, Gloria Velia; Copertari Isaacson, Luis Fernando; González Betanzos, Fabiola; & Padrós Blàzquez, Ferran. (2016). “Estudio psicométrico del instrumento CARLOS (CRAFFT) en estudiantes universitarios mexicanos”, Evaluar, 16, 10-19. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2016). “Free Will for Artificial Machines with Natural Intelligence”, Open Access Library Journal, 3: e2355. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1102355. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2017). “Neolaborism: A Theory of Political Economy on the Value of Human Labor as Opposed to Artificial Labor as the Ultimate Means of the Economy in the XXI Century”, Open Access Library Journal, 4: e3835. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103835. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2017). “On Opening the Gate to the Stars and Superintelligence”, Open Access Library Journal, 4: e3995. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103995. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2018). “On the Optimal Trade Tariffs among Nations”, Open Access Library Journal, 5: e4641. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1104641. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2018). “Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem using Genetic Algorithms”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management (IJERM), 5(7), 4-14. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2018). “Neoliberalism versus Neolaborism: Dystopia versus Utopia and the future of civilization”, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 5(8), 146-155. http://scholarpublishing.org/index.php/ASSRJ/article/view/5012/3090. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2019). “On Random and Pseudo-Random Numbers”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management (IJERM), 6(1), 1-7. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2019). “The complexity coefficient for acyclic networks measuring network density: Application to project management”, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6(2), 327-334. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2019). “On Natural and Artificial Intelligence”, Open Access Library Journal, 6: e5121. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1105221. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, Luis F. (2019). “On the Existence of God and the Nature of Free Will”, International Journal of Philosophy and Theology7(1), 1-6. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2020). “The Latin-American Union and the LAT”, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(3), 177-194. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2020). “Towards the Latin-American Union and the Latin-American Peso (LAT)”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Management, 7(4), 8-18. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2020). “Using Cellular Agents (CA) to Prove Kurzweil’s Law of Accelerating Returns (LOAR) Wrong When Using a Series of Paradigm Shifts Trying to Maintain Exponential Growth”, Open Access Library Journal, 7: e6255. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106255. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2021). “Comprehensive Project Risk Management Methodology”, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(1), 94-115. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2021). “On opening the gate to the stars and the Drake equation”, Open Access Library Journal, 8: e7129. https://doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1107129. (Download PDF).
  • Reyna Barajas, Gloria Velia; Padrós Blàzquez, Ferran; & Copertari Isaacson, Luis Fernando (2021). “Psychological resources and gaudiebility”, Gaceta Médica de Caracas, 129(S1), s128-s137. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. & Reyna, G. V. (2022). “Beauty and the Golden Ratio”, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9(9), 259-285. (Download PDF).
  • Reyna Barajas, Gloria Velia, Copertari Isaacson, Luis Fernando, & Piovano, Silvia I. (2023). “Construcción y Análisis Factorial de un Inventario sobre Ansiedad ante las Clases en Línea durante la Pandemia”, LATAM Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, IV(3),168-185. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2024). “Simplified Quarks-Based Theoretical Explanation of Fusion”, Open Access Library Journal, 11: e11369. (Download PDF).
  • Copertari, L. F. (2024). “Very Near Optimal Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem”, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 11(5), 153-158. (Download PDF).
  • Reyna-Barajas, G.V., Copertari-Isaacson, L.F., Samaniego-Garay, R.A., García-Alonzo, I., & Del Río-Mendoza, M.L. (2025). “Percepción de la Calidad de Vida Relacionada con la Salud en Adultos Mayores Según el Género”, Vitalia Revista Científica y Académica, 6(1), 36-55. (Download PDF).

I have developed software to support the thesis disertation work of a former student. The software is called “Compuertas Cuánticas Algebraicas hasta n = 8 qubits (CCA8)” (“Quantum Computer Gates for up to n = 8 qubits (CCA8)“). Although the software is not complete because it lacks the implementation of key quantum gates such as the Hadamard quantum gate to be able to form a complete logical set of quantum gates, the source code is included so you can modify the software if you want to make further changes to it. You can click here to download the installation (setup) program along with manual (in PDF format) and source code. CCA8 was developed using Delphi 7 (Pascal).

I have also copyrighted software I have developed. The first copyright was for Schedule (you can click here to download the source code), which includes algorithms for finding if an activity network has cycles or not as well as listing all the possible paths for any given activity network. Both algorithms are key to develop the software Schedule. I have also copyrighted a recursive algorithm to find the relevant completion times in an activity network. Such sofwate is called “Forward and Backward” and you can click here if you want the source code. Finally, I have copyrighted software called “Cells Sorting”, which is key for the development of the software Optimal TSP (developed using Delphi 7). “Cells Sorting” is a heuristic algorithm that solves the Traveling Salesman Problem in a quadratic processing time. You can click here to download the source code of the copyrighted software along with documentation (in pdf format).